15 Day Challenge (Day1)

This fun little challenge passed my way today via the Interweb (and Totes_Tat).

Challenge accepted. Please join me.


I work in public affairs in Brussels (…when did that happen considering I once had grand plans to be a ballerina…) but still call Minnesota “home”.

Why Brussels? Long story but I have been here for 9 years now with no sign of leaving in the immediate future. I have a love-hate relationship with this city…

What I hate: enormous amounts of bureaucracy accompanied by little-to-no efficiency, the rain, its on the dingy side and the fact that everyone seems to always be complaining (and when I say everyone, I include myself – this is a habit I need to kick).

What I love: Parc Tenbosch, the Flagey market, Belga Queen, the shops along Rue du Baili and down Rue Antoine Dansaert close to Place St Catherine, the Waterstones bookstore, Natural Café cappuccinos, the South African chocolate wine you can only find at Oenotk and the fact that you can be in Paris or the UK in under two hours.  It might sound like it is the little things that keep me here, but that’s actually quite true, along with the fact that most of the people around me are in the same boat as I am and from any number of different countries.

I’ve studied at Hamilton College, American University, Sciences-Po, Paris III and Boston University (let’s say I’m adept at finding semesters abroad).  I majored in French and Politics. I don’t speak French half as often as I should.

I lived in Paris for a year in 2001.

I love getting lost while travelling, reading, sentimental movies, anything by Aaron Sorkin and my two slightly mental cats, Pipa and Pumpkin.

I should cook more. When I do, it rarely seems to kill anyone so I’m surprised I don’t do more of it.

I’m equally a city and a country girl. Wish there was a little more country these days.

I’m also equally a cat/dog person. A combination of both works best.

Love interior design and might even one day consider a career change to get there.

Favorite books over the years, in the order I read them: Eloise, Little Women, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, Great Gatsby, Atonement, Water for Elephants, Fall of Giants, anything by Truman Capote

Favorite movies: Casablanca, West Side Story, Father of the Bride

For more, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

  1. Max Power said:

    errr aren’t you forgetting the age part… I’m 26 by the way…

    • Haven’t you ever heard of the expression “a lady never reveals her age?”

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